Saturday 8 October 2016

Malaysian Food at Champor Champor

Of all the ethnic restaurants in London the ones I liked the most were either Indonesian or Malaysian. So when a friend asked me to come out for Malaysian food at Champor Champor, I did not have to think long.

Malaysian Food at Champor Champor
Champor Champor is located in the heart of London Bridge, which has turned into quite a nice little area. There are lots of foodie markets popping up (and I am not just talking about Borough Market) and Bermondsey street is brimming with cool cafes and restaurants. As is Champor Champor. Although warm and cosy might be a better description.

Malaysian Food at Champor Champor

It's not a big restaurant and the warm colour scheme and partitions create the illusion of an intimate dining experience. Even though you could spit onto your neigbhours plate. Not that I would, but you could. Anyhow, the fod. Ah the food is great albeit on the pricy side. Mains go for around 17 quid and don't come with any rice  or veggies which make it an even pricier affair. Also Champor Champor serves Thai and Malay food,which in my opinion is to attract more Brits as they don't know how good Malaysian food is and always want to see a Pad Thai on the menu. But I digress.

Malaysian Food at Champor Champor

My fried went for a very Malaysian beef rendang which she said was fiiiiiiine. That is a good fine. I had a little taste and it was indeed very fine.

I opted for a green grilled chicken thigh curry with asparagus and butternut squash. It looked very pretty on my plate and taste very pretty on my palate.

Not feeling quite full after our mains, we decided to share the chocolate chilli cheesecake, which was a creamy affair with a decent kick. In all, I loved the food at Champor Champor, but I still prefer the little hole in the wall Malaysian restaurants tucked away in China town. More authentic and easier on the wallet. 


  1. I actually haven't had the pleasure of malaysian food but this looks so tasty!

    Musings & More

    1. If you want to try it, check out my other blog post on Malaysian food. Vi Vian Woo does a wonderful supper club with home cooked Malaysian food.

  2. I'm yet to try Malaysian food but this sounds so so good. I want to try it!

    1. It is really nice and I hope you do get to try it some time.

  3. We really don't have many options for Malaysian food in south Wales, will have to visit this place when i'm in London next because it sounds like something I would love.

    1. Oh that is a real shame. Hopefully you will make it to London soon.
