Saturday 3 September 2016

Ethnic Restaurants in London Roundup

My Eating Around the World Without Leaving London series has had me eating lots of ethnic food here in London and I thought this month's linkup topic would be a good opportunity to round up the good, the bad, and the ugly of ethnic restaurants in London. So here goes.

The Most Delicious

I think my favourite ethnic restaurant in London so far is Little Georgia. This restaurant in Angel looks like your regular gastro-pub, but once you open the menu it sure isn't sunday roasts and spotted dicks you get the choose from. I didn't really know what to expect from Georgian food, but I think it can be best described as a mix between Turkish and Balkan food. What I do know for sure is, that the food is way delicious.

Ethnic Restaurants in London Roundup

The Most Entertaining

The most entertaining night I had in a long time was at Kazakh restaurant Pasha in Camberwell. This hotel/restaurant knows how to have fun. Not only was the food really good (again a mix of Turkish and Balkan food), but there was music and dancing and lots of vodka.

Ethnic Restaurants in London Roundup

The Most Hospitable

The most welcoming was at Fredor, Zambian restaurant. Never have I seen service like this before at any other London restaurant. Jacintha and I were the only guests that night and when we ordered something they had run out of, they offered to run down to the store and buy it for us. After we reassured them that we would just eat whatever they had, they cooked up a delicious meal for us. Lovely people they were.

The Most Interesting Decor

Abracadabra Russian Restaurant may not have been memorable for their food, but their bathroom taps sure were. I'm not sure what they have for taps in the guys' bathroom, but ladies, when you go to the loo at this place, you get to run water from a golden penis. Oh yeah.

Ethnic Restaurants in London Roundup

The Most Authentic

I was really excited to go to Lutong Pinoy as I had read you get to eat with your hands. The food is served on table wide banana leafs and everybody just shares whatever is splayed across it. Table manners not required.

Ethnic Restaurants in London Roundup


  1. wow! you've really tried all possible foods:)

  2. I've been to Lutong Pinoy a few times but I've actually not tried the boodle feast yet! Haha!

    That golden penis tap is hilarious though.

    Honey x The Girl Next Shore

    1. I know. It really made me chuckle. You gotta love those Russians.

  3. Sounds like you've tried some interesting different restaurants in London. And the golden penis tap sounds hilarious!

  4. This does look yummy and I so so love tasting new food. I've not been to a Russian place to eat before so very intrigued.

    1. If you want to try Russian food, I'd skip this one. Unless you want to check out those taps!! :-) the food was not super.

  5. I love the variety in restaurants in London, there is literally something for everyone! Haha that Tap is hilarious! xo

    1. It is, isn't it? That tap is really something and worth popping into this place for.

  6. I lived very close to Angel for nearly a year and I missed Little Georgia. Must try it out during my next visit. Wonderful range of restaurants that you have highlighted here. #TravelLinkUp

    1. I think they only moved there not super long ago. But if you are back, do give them a try. I loved the food there.

  7. All these are new to me but I will definitely add your recommendations to my London list! Fab take on the travel link up

    1. Thanks! I love food and I love ethnic food even more.

  8. I adore this post - and need to get to all of these!
