Sunday 21 August 2016

A Cruise on the Thames

Having access to the Thames on a daily basis, kind of makes you take this beautiful piece of London for granted. I cross it every day, walk along the Thames Path a lot, but in the 13 years I have lived in London, I haven't been on it very often. So this weekend I signed up for a cruise on the Thames.

A Cruise on the Thames

Our cruise was organised by a Dutch expat group on one of the Capital Pleasure boats, so there was lots of Heineken and cheesy Dutch music, but unfortunately the fried, Dutch snacks were missing. Although we compensated that with a bottle of very un-Dutch prosecco and some very English crisps.

A Cruise on the Thames

We boarded at Temple pier and the 4 hour cruise took us from the heart of the City of London all the way to the bit beyond the Thames barrier.

A Cruise on the Thames

A Cruise on the Thames

We passed all the iconic sights like St Paul's, Tower of London, the Tower Bridge etc. But also some slightly less iconic like the Wharfs of Wapping, the Emirates Airline and London City Airport.

A Cruise on the Thames

As the afternoon went on, we and our fellow cruisers got cheerier, the music got louder and the hips looser. I mean, who can sit still to the beats of a 2-unlimited tune. On a boat no less.

A Cruise on the Thames

Even though this was a boat hired for a private occasion, there are lots of other ways to enjoy a boat ride on the Thames. Try City Cruises or the cruises organised by and at the London Eye. Or if you are not too bothered by hearing commentary about London's iconic sights, hop on a Thames Clipper with your Oyster card and bob along the river that way.

A Cruise on the Thames


  1. It looks like a lovely time. I last went on a Thames cruise a few years ago and vowed to go back on one of the dinner cruises. Such a lovely way to feel like you are in your own world right in the heart of London.

    1. I love those dinner cruises. I did two at New Year's and they were still the best NYE parties I have ever been to!

  2. Looks like an amazing cruise. Loving the view.

    1. The views were stunning, but that is not difficult with a river such as the Thames.

  3. I love going down the Thames with Thames Clippers:)
