Friday 3 June 2016

24 Hours in Milan

Last weekend I flew to Milan for the Bank Holiday. Even though Lake Como was the final destination of our trip, I decided to spend 24 hours in Milan. If I'm honest, I wasn't expecting much as I'd heard from many people the city has more to offer shoppers than sightsee-ers. One friend even called it a shit hole.

Now I wouldn't exactly call it that. True, it's not the prettiest city I've ever visited, but I did find some nice spots while wandering around.

24 Hours in Milan

Here is what I saw.

Of course I headed for the Duomo, the city's most famous sight. It's got a pretty impressive facade and judging by the length of the queue to have a look inside, the interior must be pretty awesome too.

24 Hours in Milan

 I decided to stay outside as the weather was amazing. I headed to the Vittorio Emanuele shopping gallery, one of the world's oldest gallery and probably one of the world's most expensive too. Think Louis Vuitton, Versace and Chanel type shops, slightly too expensive for my H&M budget, but still worth having a look. In the middle of the gallery is a floor mosaic depicting a bull, which balls are apparently bringing good luck if you twirl around on them. Luck bearing balls, oh yeah.

24 Hours in Milan

Next I headed over to the Castello Sforzesco, which dates back to the 15th century and now houses several museums. Again I left the museums for what they were as the weather was too nice to stay inside, so I headed to the Sempione Park instead for a little snooze in the sun.

24 Hours in Milan

Verging back towards my hotel which was on the via Cesare Correnti, I popped into the Santa Maria Delle Grazie and its lovely little courtyard. I tried to sneak into the room that displays the Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci, but only to be told I should've booked two weeks in advance. Two weeks? I only had one day. So I popped back into the streets again.

24 Hours in Milan

 I walked on towards Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio which dates back to the 1100s and also has a lovely columned courtyard.

24 Hours in Milan

Then, before heading back to my temporary home, I had a drink on a terrace overlooking the Basilica San Lorenzo Maggiore. dating as far back as the 4th century.  I couldn't think of a better way to finish my 24 hours in Milan. I ended up having a lovely day in Milan and was so not expecting to like it that much. I might just go back to visit those museums and the inside of the Duomo some day.

24 Hours in Milan


  1. I've been to Milano too:) yes, it can surprise people:) #travellinkup

    1. It might not be Rome or Venice but it still has a certain charm. I think.

  2. Strangely enough, I really enjoyed Milan, far more than Bologna and will definitely return one day. I saw most of the same places as you but would like to spend more time in art galleries and museums next time.

    1. Oh yeah me too. I didn't have time to go inside the museums, but I might go back some day.

  3. It looks gorgeous! And you took some very nice pics! I went to Italy but didn't visit Milano, definitely want to go!

    1. It was a nice place to spend 24 hours. Regardless of what they say!

  4. Milan looks a lovely combination of Florence and Pisa (minus the leany bits)...

    1. I've been to Florence, but not to Pisa. Another one for the list. :-)

  5. I visited Milan for the day when I was much younger. It was my first day in Italy, ever, and I remember enjoying it a lot -- enough though I didn't do any shopping! I would go back!

    1. Ah, you will have to go back for some shopping then. It was worth it!

  6. I almost booked a trip to Milan this month but decided not to because I'd heard the same things about it as you. Now I want to go! Even just 24 hours :)

    1. It was better than I thought. And you can always head to Como if you don't like it that much. It's a 30-minute train ride away.

  7. How interesting - I've also heard mixed reviews either not to bother with Milan, or only if you like shopping. But I hate writing places off so good to know there's still enough to keep you entertained for a day or more!

    1. That is exactly what I had heard about it as well. It was still nice for the day.
