Sunday 15 May 2016

Daytrip to Oxford

Daytrip to Oxford

Oxford is always a good option if you've got out-of-town visitors who've seen it all in London. My folks were here a few weeks ago and after a full weekend of DIY-ing we hopped on the Oxford Tube at Victoria and went on a day trip to Oxford.

Daytrip to Oxford

Daytrip to Oxford

I love Oxford; it's got that 'Dead Poets' Society' feel to it, but in an English way. I love wandering around the pretty college gardens, the historic halls and the majestic university buildings.

Daytrip to Oxford

Daytrip to Oxford

We spent a few hours walking around, browsed the shops in the high street, walked around Christchurch Meadow and got lost in the alleys around Merton College.

Daytrip to Oxford

Daytrip to Oxford

We admired Oriel college and Christchurch college from inside and watched people taking silly selfies at the 'Bridge of Sighs'.

Daytrip to Oxford

We took a much needed break in one of the many tea shops, before hopping back on the Oxford Tube into London.


  1. lovely photos! I've visited Oxford years ago during winter.It was still great!

    1. I also really love it in the autumn. I guess every year gives it a special atmosphere.

  2. I haven't been to Oxford in so long. These photos really make me want to go back.

  3. I love Oxford, always one of my must visits during the summer months.

    1. I have never been actually during summer. Next year!

  4. I've only been once and it was to visit a friend so didn't end up seeing too much of the local area, which was a rookie error it seems as the colleges are so beautiful - I wonder if the students there still stare in awe at the beautiful architecture the way us visitors do when we go there!

    1. I would if I were a student there. I think... :-)
