Monday 24 October 2016

An Autumn Walk in Richmond Park

An Autumn Walk in Richmond Park

It may sound weird, but autumn is my favourite season of the year. It's the time of year of admiring colourful trees, searching for mushrooms and finding acorns and conkers. Living in a city like London can make these things a bit more of a challenge, but an autumn walk in Richmond Park is a good place to start.

An Autumn Walk in Richmond Park

Richmond Park is the biggest park in the city of London and it has god numerous trails and bike paths. The landscape is extremely varied and you will find hills, grasslands and woodlands, It is home to a variety of animals, but the most present are the deer.

An Autumn Walk in Richmond Park

It all started when King Charles I turned the area into a royal park. He loved hunting deer and introduced 2,000 deer to the area and because he didn't want them to stray, he built a wall around the park. Of course the local farmers timber collectors didn't like that one bit, but they had no say.

Over the following centuries ponds were added, woods were planted and lodges were built, but from the Victorian times till now, things have pretty much stayed the same.

An Autumn Walk in Richmond Park

The park has several entrances, but I think the approach from Richmond going up Richmond Hill is pretty dramatic as you get some pretty awesome views of the river Thames down below. Near the park's gate it is a bit busy with locals and tourists alike, but as soon as you wander deeper into the park, things get lots more quiet. Here you hear nothing but birds singing, deer bleating and planes roaring. The latter is a bit of a shame, but hey, it is an urban park after all.

An Autumn Walk in Richmond Park


  1. This looks like a lovely park. You cant beat autumn walks!

    1. Richmond Park is amazing. I love going there whatever time of year. It's a bit of countryside within London.

  2. Beautiful photos, Richmond Park looks so pretty! So Autumnal xo

    1. It sure is. I love autumn anywhere really. But Richmond park is a good place to go for a bit of outdoor action for Londoners.

  3. Replies
    1. Richmond Park is pretty indeed. Especially at the times of years when nature flaunts its colours like in the fall.
