Saturday 13 August 2016

Farmopolis in Greenwich

Plants need homes too, which is exactly what the people behind Farmopolis in Greenwich must have thought. Farmopolis is a pop-up urban garden on a jetty jutting out into the river Thames in Greenwich where people can go to and enjoy some green space, great (locally sourced) food and cultural events.

Farmopolis in Greenwich

Last weekend I happened to be in Greenwich, and wandered over to check out this floating urban farm. It was a hot day and when I arrived hot and bothered, the plants strewn around the connecting jetty to Farmopolis seemed to find themselves in a similar state. Someone was tending to them though and dousing them with cool water from a garden hose.

Farmopolis in Greenwich

I wandered around smelling the roses and other pretty flowers. Apparently the plants were 'rescued' from the RHS Chelsea flower show and are now looking for new homes.

There was a massage corner, where you could relax for either 10 or 15 minutes of muscular bliss. There was also a stage area where free and paid events such as yoga, theatre workshops and craft making sessions are held. When I was there, there was a yoga stretching class and I watched a group of children make paper flowers, which seemed to be a lot of fun.

Farmopolis in Greenwich

Most of the space, however is taken up by the cafe, which I thought kind of defeated the idea of the urban garden. I was expecting the entire jetty to be, well, more farmy I guess. Although from what I keep reading, there are plans to expand the space and keep it around for a bit longer.

Farmopolis in Greenwich

The food on the menu sounded great, but the heat had made me thirsty and not so much hungry. I settled for a glass of iced Earl Grey tea and found a table in the shade. The river breeze was lovely and the views of the Thames calming. Behind me, the building of flats was not quite finished, but I was already jealous of the people that will eventually move in. They will have this serene bit of space right on their doorstep.

Farmopolis in Greenwich


  1. It looks like a lovely place, I have a weakness for tea and flowers... together is heaven! Tammy x

    1. ooo, you will absolutely love this place then. Lots of those there.

  2. Ah this is on my list of places to visit soon!
    A Story of a Girl

    1. I have heard they're sticking around a bit longer than planned.

  3. What a really lovely place to visit, it is rare I venture south of the river x

    1. Oh you should come south a bit more, lots of cool stuff to see here. ;-)

  4. Nice shots and cool places. You're making me miss London right now :)

    1. London is a great place for stuff like this. Glad to be able to call it home.

  5. What a lovely idea, a pop up garden! It looks like a great place to relax

    1. It was so nice and relaxing to be there. I do hope they'll stay and expand.

  6. Looks like such a nice place, there's always something unusual going on in London x

    1. I know, that is why I love living here so much, :-)

  7. That looks like the perfect place to relax with a cup of tea, all those lovely flowers.

    1. I think it would also be lovely for a dinner or an evening cocktail.

  8. What a pretty place and that cafe looks like such a great spot, especially in summer!

    Laura x

    1. That is exactly what I thought. Amazing place for a summer drink.

  9. Oh wow, what a beautiful space! I love places like this, I would love to visit. Kaz x

    1. It's lovely isn't it and so worth a visit if you can make it there this summer.

  10. This looks like such a relaxing tranquil place in the middle of a busy urban area. Love it!

  11. Ive heard of these "urban" farms popping up all over London. It's such a great way to introduce kids and adults to horticulture who live in the city. Love that some flowers were "rescued" from the Chelsea flower show, that made me chuckle! Brilliant post and gorgeous photos!

    1. I know. City kids can appreciate all the stuff they're missing from living away from the country side this way. Really love the concept.
